Wednesday 12 February 2014

Uncomfortable to Ugly

I left work early to attend a CPD lecture, but I planned to catch the last hour of the Gateshead session at Blaydon and  figured that I could cope with a shorter swim.

Well I turned up at the University to discover I was a mere 2 days early! never mind I now had plenty of time to make the swim work out early for a change. I joined Proudy on the pool side and he apologised for getting in my way the previous evening, although he did stress he thought I'd seen him and that I was clearly in the zone.

No EMSC 5.0 at the start of the session but the warm up was on the whiteboard. We all puzzled over the 100 br 3 fr scrawled on the board and there was a lengthy and lively debate as to what it meant, I'm not sure why but I thought it was 3 strokes breaststroke 3 strokes freestyle, another suggestion was 3 lengths breast 1 length free but the 100 br 5 fr didn't work for that proposal so we set off and swam this rather bizarre drill.

When EMSC 5.0 eventually turned up it was all revealed that we should've swum breathing every 3 strokes. Ah well just shows the combined IQ of our lanes is probably a negative digit. The Hungarian set was meant to be swum with shorter repeat times as you descended no chance of that.... particularly as EMSC described the set as "the first parts uncomfortable the second parts ugly"

500 free long and strong
400 (100 dps, 100 br 3 fr, 100 back dos, 100 br 5 fr)
300 kick 50 steady 50 hard
200 free stretch
20 x 25 @ 45 s drills
  1-4 dps
  5-10 torpedo kick
  11-16 dps + max kick
  17-20 sprint stroke count
16 x 25 sprint @ 30sec
8 x 50's @ 55s
4 x 100 @ 1:50
2 x 200 @ 3:40
400 @ 7:30
2 x 200 @ 3:40
4 x 100 @ 1:50*
300 swim down
* as you can see I missed the end of this set.

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