Tuesday 14 February 2012

Valentine's Day 6 K

How was your Valentine's Day? I suppose as a divorce lawyer the irony is not lost upon me as I spent most of today persuading people to be more reasonable in there approach to their ex significant other and now insignificant other!

Bob and I had almost a Valentine's day bypass, although I presume he was responsible for the dozen red roses which appeared on the dining table this morning.

We spent the evening swimming next to each other in adjoining lanes as we ground out our own sessions. I was chuffed when I made it to 6k in the session, it's years since I've covered that distance.

600 warm up change stroke each 25
main set
800 pull with paddles @ 14 mins *
2 x 200 IM @ 4 mins
2 x 400 free pull @ 7 mins **
4 x 100 IM @ 2 mins
4 x 200 @ 3.30 ***
extra 60 secs rest
8 x 50 IM order @ 65
8 x 100 pull with paddles @ 1.45
16 x 25 @ 35 secs
600 swim down
6000 metres

* 11.45
** 6.05
*** 3.20 - 3.05