Sunday 24 February 2013

There is no Day 21, (FFC crashes and burns)

Day 21 of the challenge and a postponed court hearing and my business partner spending the day babysitting his grandson meant I was in the office and available to take one of his Duty Solicitor calls all of which ultimately conspired to derail this year's February Fitness Challenge.

It started out with a routine duty solicitor call at around 10:30 am, the police weren't ready to interview the hapless detainee, and I was eventually summoned to Durham Nick for 3pm. How was that possibly going to interfere with my daily dip?

Well when I finally escaped from the Custody Suite it was Friday and I'd missed the window of opportunity for a swim and hell I'd missed best part of bloody Thursday, there's eight hours of my life I'll never get back.

On the bright side I shouldn't grumble because the client's looking at at least 4 years of his life he won't get back! It sort of puts a missed swim into perspective.

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