Friday 18 February 2011

The Vanishing Door leads to 400,500 metres left

An uneasy peace broke out in the Binge household today, with teenage daughter managing to make the Founder's day Service complete with a hat, in fact she was so accommodating that she agreed to go and keep her grandmother company (a Friday night Rugby widow, the Newcastle Falcons probably even more of a lost cause then United). Miracles seemingly do happen.

This somewhat unusual display of compliance gave me the opportunity to make Gateshead's Friday night session. The session is at Gateshead Leisure Centre which was an old 33 yard pool built during the 1930's, the leisure centre was added in the 1970's. Last year the whole place underwent a refurbishment, I've never managed to make swimming there since the place reopened.

The session proved to be more of a challenge then I imagined, I pulled up in the car park only to discover that the front door had disappeared (I kid you not). Helpfully there were signs indicating where the entrance now was, (about a half mile walk around the building, I suppose it was a good warm up)

The whole interior of the centre has been revamped and the pool has been completely retiled and a boom inserted to make it 25m. It's a pretty good job although it took a bit of getting used to, as I've been swimming in that pool for about 40 years or so in the 33yd format and the shorter length with the familiar ceiling and balcony was a little disorientating.

My plan for the session was a steady plod, however Matt the Cash came up with this little challenge, I added the stroke and breathing stuff. My number 1 Facebook fan, Graeme Bradley turned up on the pool side enquiring if Matt the Cash was Mr Farty Pants, I pointed out that his identity was a secret I would carry to the grave.

I was pleased with this session, I really feel like my feel for the water is coming back.

Warm up
100 free @ 1.40
100 back @ 2 mins  x 3
100 IM @ 2 mins
4 x 100 @ 1.50 decrease 1 stroke per 25 each 100*
4 x 100 @ 1.50 add 1 stroke per breathing cycle per 100**
4 x 100 @ 1.50
200 brst
300 free pull

* 18, 17, 16 & 15 strokes per 25
** breathing every 6,7,8 and 9

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