Saturday 21 May 2011

Bitten by the Open Water Bug?

After a bit of a bumpy March and April where my forecast distance for this year's swim quest was rapidly diminishing, I have started to push my average distance per week back in the right direction (according to my toosmartswimlog). I've successfully logged two consecutive green weeks albeit only just green.

Now hot on the heels of last week's outing in open water my common sense deserted me again (maybe it was delayed brain freeze or that staple the Jedi mind trick) but I sent off my entry for another open water swim, signing up to do the 1500m event at Ashington. The Fairy Snow Baby mentioned it to me and he was even keener, skipping Thursday night's pool session for an open water training sesh in some lake in deepest darkest Northumberland.....Brrrrr.

As for the Saturday morning session today, we had 11 swimmers turn up (no Awesome Emma) and the luxury of the pool to ourselves. So 11 swimmers in 6 lanes, heck you do the maths but somehow I still ended up in a lane with 4 of us. I enjoyed drafting off Matt the Cash and the Beckleberry Boys and as you can see from the print out it was pretty hard for me with  a serious lack of rest at times and  50% of the session spent with my heart rate in zone 3.

18 x 50's free warm up*
as  3 @ 60s,
     5 @ 55s,
     5 @ 50s,
     5 @ 45s
4 x 600's
as  1 x 100 drill @ 1.40
     1 x 200 steady @ 3.20
     1 x 300 build @ 5 mins
16 x 50's @ 60
as  4 x 50 @ 60's back
     4 x 50 @ 60's free
     4 x 50 @ 60's back
     4 x 50 @ 60's free
300 swim down
Total 4,400 metres

*missed beginning of warm up

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