I stuck her in with the fast guys where she struggled along at the back of Jetpoodotcom and Synchro dad; that is until she and I were swimming in adjacent lanes and I managed to breaststroke kick her quite hard in the fingers (now whilst in the depths of my all too frequent frustrations with her I may fantasise about physically kicking her, you will appreciate that it was a complete accident).
It did however provide her with the perfect excuse to leave the pool and make her entry in the pool accident book (and forced me to dodge the social workers who descended on the pool to investigate the allegations of child cruelty.) She did however enjoy spending the rest of the session sitting on the poolside chatting to the C squad coach.
Congratulations and respect to the most eccentric member of our masters squad, "Finswimmer John" who was celebrating a two and a half second PB for some apneatic achievement involving a large plastic fin and a pool in Belgium. I don't pretend to understand this sport but I do recognise the satisfaction of a PB particularly by such a large margin.
It was left to me to come up with this evening's session, as the Fairy Snow Baby was sciving in Oxford. I was a bit out of touch having spent the last 6 -7 weeks minimising my swimming. (or living up to the title of this blog) I settled on a bit of variety and speed which included my favourite set ever which is the 125's 50 pull, 25 kick and 50 swim, it's swum at full pelt with the following thought processes.
I like to have a decent rest between repeats and to go off hard for the first 50 pull, hard for the kick (telling myself that my legs have had a rest during the pull) and then try and hang on to a really fast pace for the 50 swim (this time telling myself that my arms have just had a rest). It was hard work but it seemed to go down well.

600 warm up change stroke each 25
12 x 100 @ 1.50 drop 1 stroke per length each set of 4 x 100's*
8 x 75's no 1 25 easy 25 stretch and 25 hard
200 swim down
12 x 125 50 pull hard, 25 kick hard 50 swim @ 2.40
12 x 50's @ 65 working on turns
8 x 25's IM Order @ 40s
100 swim down
5000m total
* this was difficult but I settled down to 19's 18's and 17's
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