There's obviously a bit of a theme going on here, even if it is completely unintended. Monday saw the opening of Dunston Pool in Gateshead, and the introduction of a new set of training times and some changes of venue.
Fairy Snow Baby duly emailed me the amended schedule and the thought of checking out the new (old) pool was the clincher in jumping in the car to make training tonight.
You know what's coming don't you. I arrived at the pool and wandered into the new glass entrance hall with open plan stair case, I got as far as the first floor before a receptionist asked me where I was going..... "The pool, masters session? not here not tonight, she said brandishing a newly printed timetable.
On no is this some kind of record? being denied entry to 2 pools in less than a week it did feed my creeping paranoia. Dejectedly returning home I opted for a Tesco set in the Endless pool and checked my email to discover that this evening's session was actually at Gateshead Leisure Centre...doh! but you can't say I didn't try.
800 warm up
4 x 100 @ 1.45
25 swim down
1225 m
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