Sunday 20 July 2014

Enter EMSC 8.0 (Tuesday 15th July )

On Tuesday Teenage Triathlete and I made it to the local public masters session.

EMSC 1.0 was on holiday so enter EMSC 9.0. Mr Paul Woodley which again made me feel ancient. (that's because you are ancient you silly cow!)

I remember swimming in the top lane with Gateshead's A squad about 20 years ago, when he was swimming in the bottom lane as a 9 or 10 year old.

Interestingly (well I think it is, marginally) he was coached at the time by EMSC 7.0 we're such an incestuous lot up here. His session showed all the hall marks of a sadistic swim coach.....

300 as 50 free 25 back, kick, drill, swim, hard
12 x 50 @ 60 no 1 focus legs, 2 focus pull, 3 focus full hard
4 ( 4 x 75 @ 90)
   ( 2 x 25 mini max @ 45)
Round 1 hard 1 steady 3
Round 2 hard 2 steady 2
Round 3 hard 3 steady 1
Round 4 hard 4
200 swim down

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