
Sunday 25 September 2011

Finally a Great Swim in the Sunshine

The Great Swim Series came to an end for 2011 in Strathclyde Country Park yesterday, and the Binge household had one of its sad family days out with all three of us taking part. The water was a perishing 12.8 degrees C (allegedly).

This was Teenage Triathlete's first open water competition and as she was only doing the half mile swim she was the first one in. I could tell that despite her bravado she was having quite serious second thoughts. Anyway arriving at the marshalling area with seconds to spare (surprise surprise we were late), she found one of her triathlete buddies to talk to, settled down and without any hesitation bravely pushed her way towards the front and took off. (personally I'm not sure if this could amount to child abuse!)

About 14 and a half minutes later it was all over, she was delighted with making the top ten girls finishers and talked none stop about it for the rest of the day (only stopping to demand a new swimming cossie!).

Bob and I were in separate waves, the logic for this being we could (a) support and encourage each other, and (b) keep TT company, although I suspect the real reason was we only had 1 pair of goggles between us! (they're his). To rectify this and headed for the Blue Seventy tent to buy a pair of snazzy red Hydra Visions..

I made my way to the start and as I was tightening them in the marshalling area (I was late getting there because I forgot my timing chip the first time round and had to make a mad dash to baggage store)  that got the adrenalin going) when the black plastic bit that holds the strap in came apart in my hands! Fortunately Bob dutifully ran back to the car park to retrieve the communal pair of Aquaseals, which came flying over the heads of my fellow competitors with about 20 seconds to spare.

Grief the water was cold, however I think I'm gradually acclimatising to cold conditions as there wasn't very much head up breaststroke and panic this time. The sunshine made such a difference as the trusty rubber suit absorbs the heat pretty effectively. A pretty smooth swim from 400m onwards, the first couple of hundred meters was a bit physical, and as you can see from the print out I deployed the leg kick for the last 100m.

Exiting the loch, I discovered I was covered in a very fine silt and I had a green weedy deposit under my nose, I guess that's probably 1 official photo I won't be buying, as I don't think the enhanced bogey adds much to it.

As usual the event organisation was pretty slick and it was a great day out, I even found some proper loos so I avoided the portapotties.

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